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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Mulch Film

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We are associated with a team of quality analysts who hold years of experience in this domain and conduct strict quality checks for ensure high quality of raw material as well as finished products. Looking for trusted Mulch Film suppliers? We are the perfect ones and capable of fulfilling bulk orders.

Advantages :

  • Improved weed control
  • Soil compaction prevention
  • Provide excellent environment for roots development(Darkness, control oxygen) in the upper surface
  • Salinity reduction
  • Changing the micro-climate around the plant
  • Attract and reject insects
  • Prevent fertilizer leaching
  • Soil control
  • Prevent soil from splashing on the fruits during rains

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Agro Packaging Products, Anti Static Stretch Wrap, Automatic Double Color Printed Pepcee Tubing, Automatic Single Color Printed Pepcee Tubing, Barricade Tapes, Clear Stretch Wrap, Garbage Bags, Grow Bag, L. D. P. E. Milk Pouches, L. D. P. E. Shrink Films, Lay Flat Packaging Tubes, Layflat Tubing, Ldpe Bags And Tubings, Low Density Shrink Film, Machine Stretch Film, Mihir Polythene Bags, Milk Bags Lldp, Mulch Film, Nursery Bag, Nursery Grow Bags, P. E. Stretch Film, Pallet Wrap And Unitizing Stretch Film, Pallet Wrap Netting, Pep Cee Sip Up Pouches, Pepcee Cutting Printed, Pepcee Tubing, Plain Garbage Bags, Plastic Catering Rolls, Plastic Stretch Film, Printed Pepcee Tubing, Products, Roll Wrap Film, Single Color Tubing, Sip Up Pouches, Small Baby Roll Stretch Film, Stretch Film, Tea Bag, Wide Web Wrap